Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Piezoelectric Materials & Piezoelectricity

Following are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Piezoelectric Materials & Piezoelectricity :

Advantages :
Since piezoelectric materials  makes use of wasted energy, they are the active components, and they do not need any external source of power to rely upon, hence they make successful power sources and are considered to be a good source of energy which may not harm the environment producing the clean electrical-ouput.

Disadvantages :
As we know the principle of piezoelectricity is based upon the change in the physical properties of any crystalline structured material so it is simply noticeable that the change in its shape would be limited hence they produce limited and very little power which in turn proves to be  very inefficient unless it has been used on mass productional level which also states that It would require bulky, heavy devices.

Another disadvantage of the piezoelectric effect is that these materials are very costly and there are very less materials present in the nature that are crystalline in the structure that may be able to produce  the piezoelectric effect.

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